Shit this is the home stretch, from here we are just going to add our cores and games, pick up some box art, and get to playing.We will be continuing from 25 minute mark of the Retro Game Corp Retroid Pocket 2+ Starter Guide, and through the second video. However, since these sections are much less tedious we won't have to cover ever single step. Instead, we will cover how to add a core, how to add games, and note any differences to watch out for that are uniqe to a specific console.
RetroArch now covers Sega Genesis, so you don't have to follow the playlist instructions for these systems. Instead, youre going to add them the same way you add the other consoles. I did this, and they are working just fine!
I took these "screenshots" with my phone and they are a bit shit. dont hate. i did my best.

From Retroid Launcher, tap 'Emulation' at the bottom of the screen
Tap Systems
Check each console in the order you want it to appear, pressing OK after each system and repeating process until finished.

From this screen, tap the console you wish to edit, or select it and press A
Press Edit at the bottom of the screen
Make sure the following cores are set for each console:
Console | Core |
Gameboy | RetroArch (Gambatte) |
Gameboy Color | RetroArch (Gambatte) |
Gameboy Advance | RetroArch (mGBA) |
Nintendo | RetroArch (FCEUmm) |
Super Nintendo | RetroArch (Snes9x Current) |
Nintendo 64 | Mupen64Plus FZ |
Sega Genesis* | RetroArch (Genesis Plus GX) |
Sega CD* | RetroArch (Genesis Plus GX) |
Sega 32X | RetroArch (PicoDrive) |
PlayStation | RetroArch (PCSX ReArmed) or Duckstation** |
PlayStation 2 | AetherSX2 |
Dreamcast | Redream |
Gamecube | Dolphin Emulator MMJR2 |
* Sega Genesis and Sega CD are now supported on RetroArch, so you do not need to follow the Playlist instructions in Video 2.
** Use Duckstation if you dont want to bother with the filters, or if you have any games that are flashing wildly and look unplayable, try opening them with Duckstation, that has worked for me.

From the console page, tap Roms at the bottom of the screen
Press 'Add' in the pop-up menu
Select 'Disk'
Select 'Games/'
Select '[CONSOLE]'
Tap 'SELECT (1)'
check box of the file path
Press 'Scan'
Everytime you want to add extra games in the future, this file path should already be selected, so you will just tap 'Roms' and then 'Scan'.

Long-press on any icon displaying a single letter in a colored circle
Try 'TheGamesDB' first
Retroid will automatically enter the game name into the search field
scroll down to see results
Find the boxcover you want
Longpress the image
select 'Download image'
If there are no results, press B to go back
Select Box Cover again
Choose Google Images
Feel free to ammend the search term
Longpress the picture you want
select 'Download Image'
Press B to return
the image you just downloaded should automagically be added to the game!


If you open your console page and see a lot of game tiles with a '.' in them like this, odds are youre probably using a Mac. For some reason Mac OSX adds these weird empty ghost name duplicates, but don't worry, it doesnt mean youve written over twice the amount of diskspace (your files arent being duplicated), and it's an easy fix.

*dont judge me for downloading Lawnmower man, I thought it might be cool
26:10 (Part 1)
Open RetroArch-64 rom Retroid Launcher, or, press B once or twice to exit out of a console page and return to the Retroid LauncherGo to Settings (2nd Column)

Press B or back button on D-Pad until you return to Main Menu (1st Column)

Return to Main Menu column and select 'Quit RetroArch' or press HOME button next to START & SELECT


Changing Colorway
Gameboy colorization
Toggle to 'Internal'
Select 'Internal Palette'
creates a motion blur look similar to original gameboy
toggle 'Interframe Blending'
select 'LCD Ghosting Accurate'
creates a motion blur look similar to original gameboy
Enabling Rewind

Press B to return to Quick Menu

*this will bring up extra console/game specific menu options that wont be available when you open RetroArch Menu directly
Nintendo 64
Open M64Plus FZ (aka Mupen64) appAdd games, dont worry about box art.
Return to RetroArch and open N64 Tile, add games and make sure the core is set to Mupen64Plus FZ

On screen control overlay will appear at first, but disappears after 5 seconds, you can change this to disappear even faster:
Press ☰ in upper left hand corner

Nintendo DS
[Requires DraStic Emulator ($5USD)]
Select 'Load Game'
the app should automagically find your NDS folder
Removing On Screen Overlay
Choose and start a game, any gamepress the bottom center button under the controller graphic
select 'Menu' at the bottom center of the circle

scale controller opacity to 0%
press B to return to previous menu
Mapping Controls

Follow prompts for button mapping
Return to previous menu
This is what you will use to view games in full screen!
On the same menu screen, press Map Special
select L1 or L2 as a trigger for screen swap
select R1 or R2 as a trigger for half-screen swap
Return to previous menu
Extra Settings

open Redream app(you dont have to upgrade but if you can afford it, be cool and support)
add your roms per usual
go to input and select Port A
map buttons, making sure that you account for Dreamcast's button names being backwards to Retroid's
Dreamcast | Retroid |
A | bottom (B) |
B | right (A) |
X | left (Y) |
Y | top (X) |

Exit and add games to Retro Arch, core set to Redream
I have found most games to work on Redream, but games that require a mic (aka Seaman), work best with Flycast.
go to settings on left

Set to Open GL
go to Controls Tab in Menu

Change game buttons to the following:

change Rendering Resolution to 2xPSP;

Playstation 1
Setting Up Duckstation
Mapping Controls
Go to Port 1 (2nd Column)
Map buttons accordingly, and make sure to include the D-Pad!
Press Save
Create a Profile Name

Select Start BIOS
Press Yes
Select Menu in upper left hand corner

Turning Off On Screen Overlay
from gameplay, press pause Tap Pause in upper right hand corner to bring up MenuPress Setting icon
Toggle 'Auto Hide Touch Screen Controller'
Mapping Analog Sticks
The following will only work with later PS1 games
tap control pad icon in upper right corner

scroll down, and map accordingly,
noting x & Y indicate axis:

Press Back

Dolphin MMJR has been renamed to Dolphin for Handheld
The following assumes you have already downloaded the community config files***
add gamecube games by pressing 'Plus'
add directory
Exit Dolphin
Go to Files app (via ADSP launcher)
press menu button on left
select Retroid Pocket 2+
select Dolphin for Handheld
select Config
Longpress Dolphin.ini and GFX.ini files, hit Trash
open menu again
select disk/Games/Gamecube
long press the same titles, Dolphin.ini and GFX.ini
select 'Copy to' by pressing the three dot menu in upper right-hand corner (next to Trash)
Press menu on left upper corner
return to Retroid Pocket 2+, Dolphin for Handheld, Config directory
press 'Copy to' button at bottom of the screen.
Why do we do this?
Dolphin is an app made to run on Android, and assumes a smartphone processor, these configuration files are specifically for the Retroid, and will deliver the best performance.
Certain games have different settings for optimal run, which you can check on this spreadsheet and adjust by entering Quick Settings from the menu screen during paused gameplay (access menu by swiping up for bottom menu bar, and pressing back)
Playstation 2
under settings opening screen select Fast/Unsafe Defaults (fun!)
Import Bios from your PS2 folder, using the file that ends in ROM.1
Add games through normal process
press finish
go into App Settings

For updated versions of Aether, Enable Frame Limit will be under the System Tab, toggle to ON
Other Settings
EECycle Skip to Maximum
Removing On screen Overlay
From first gameplay, pause, and select controller icon,
Add/Remove buttons
Uncheck all except Pause